Romaji: Chuukou Ikkan!! Kimetsu Gakuen Monogatari: Kimetsu no Utage Tokubetsu-hen
Japanese: 中高一貫!!キメツ学園物語 ~鬼滅の宴=特別編=~
English: Junior High and High School!! Kimetsu Academy Story: Kimetsu no Utage Special Edition


Score:  68% (1350)
Popularity:  3212
Rank:  49



Type:  Special
Episodes:  3
Duration:  2 min
Broadcast:  26/8/2020 to 26/8/2020
Status:  Finished
Source:  Manga
Studios: ufotable
Season:  Summer


These specials were originally shown at the Kimetsu no Utage live event which was held on October 20th 2019 in Tokyo with the voice actors live-dubbing their dialogue. Later properly dubbed and released on the Kimetsu no Yaiba DVD & Blu-ray. Note: Related to the post-credit shorts after episodes 14, 17 on the TV broadcast of Kimetsu no Yaiba.