Romaji: Pia Carrot e Youkoso!!
Japanese: Piaキャロットへようこそ!!
English: Welcome to Pia Carrot
Comedy Hentai Romance


Score:  60% (283)
Popularity:  815
Rank:  10



Type:  N/A
Episodes:  3
Duration:  29 min
Broadcast:  24/10/1997 to 24/4/1998
Status:  Finished
Source:  Visual Novel
Studios: NuTech Digital
Season:  Fall


Yusuke Kinoshita is forced by his father to work at his restaurant Pia Carrot all summer due to his bad grades in school. What first seems to be a boring job becomes a memorable experience due to his interactions with his co-workers and his boss. (Source: Anime News Network)